06 March 2009


Pobrecito solitario x.

XTC - these guys are so 80's they started in 1978. I only know about them because of their album "Drums and Wires", from which Primus covered two songs. D&W is comical - bask in the glory of awkward, goofy "strange girl" songs like "Helicopter", or slightly frightening, still goofy songs like "Scissor Man", and everything 80's in between. "Snipping snipping snipping goes the scissor man \ maybe you are in his book of names" goes the song about a mystical vigilante who cuts up kids who don't behave... Play that one for your elementary schoolers.

Any X* artists to contribute? Pretty please?


  1. i think i have an unfair advantage in this letter (but ONLY in this letter) because of my german music collection. yes, it's limited, but i'm currently listening to xavier naidoo, a german mix of peter gabriel and a pretty strict understanding of slow jamz.


    so awesome.

  2. XYSMA. Finnish crap. The singer's voice doesn't seem to fit.
