Hey there! You may have noticed that there's an extra link or two at the bottom of each page on my überjournal now. A few days ago, I enabled the display of "backlinks" on all the posts (past, present, an future) throughout my entire blog. What it's
supposed to do is show what pages out there on the indeed-worldwide webification have linked to my posts. Of course, I don't know exactly how Google has implemented this feature, and whether/if backlink inclusion will be automatic or require extra work.
If it's automatic (hopehopehope!), hooray! Sit back, click around and enjoy the connectedness of teh interwebs as you see what crazy sites have honored me with a clickable mention.
If their backlink inclusion is manual... Bummer. We have gobs of work to do! I have little better to do these days than to vainly crawl the web in search of pages funneling readers to me, but I need your help here. If you know of or find a web page that links to me (especially if it points to a specific post),
please please PLEASE head back to my site and the post that's been linked to, scroll down to "Links to this post", click "Create a link", and proudly share your discovery with all of us!
As always - and particularly emphatically this time - I request questions, comments, pro- and/or anti-backlinking commentary, and especially lectures, additions, corrections and insight on the topic at hand (especially if you can fill us in on how the Goog runs its flavor of backlinking, and what we should expect.)
Until next time... Keep up the awesome.